The origin of “Te Kakakura” tohu /symbol is founded in Waitaha tribal traditions and translates as “The Red-breasted Parrot”. This bird is known in Te Waipounamu as “Te Manu Karere o ka Ira Atua” (the messenger of the Gods/Goddesses).
Kakakura Health Services originates from the tripartite relationship that came together to form Te Kakakura Trust. The three founding organisations were Te Rūnaka ki Ōtautahi o Kāi Tahu, Healthlink South and Comcare. “Kakakura” was symbolic in terms of the identity, dignity and prestige (mana) of the three entities interdependent status at the time and the willingness of all parties to focus on the one cause. This was to develop a client centred focus kaupapa Māori mental health service.
In 2002 Te Rūnaka ki Ōtautahi o Kāi Tahu took sole governance responsibility (to govern, manage and operate) Kakakura Health Services. Since that time Te Rūnaka have been able to expand its services throughout Te Waipounamu (the South Island).
Ko te nako o Te Matapuna o te ora, ara, ko te toiora, ko te hauora, ko te waiora me te mauri ora. Koianei ka hua pai o te momo takata ora / whānau ora.
The essence that emanates from the source of life and health is spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellness. These are indeed the fruits of individual and collective wellbeing.
Kia whakaritetia te kaupapa Māori auaha me te tima mōrearea whakahoki, ki te whakatutuki ka wawata me ka hiahia a o mātou takata whaiora me ona whānau whānui o te hapori hei whakarato, whakamātūtū, aumakia, tikaka ahurea, tikaka hauora, mātauraka, kaika whakaruruhau me ka ratoka tautoko o te hapori.
To be an innovative kaupapa Māori and critical response team that meets the needs of our clients, their whānau and the community through the provision of rehabilitation, recovery, resiliency, cultural, clinical, educational, residential and community support services.